Minimizing our Packaging
Recently, I posted on Instagram asking our community their thoughts on packaging and wanted to share it here too, just in case there are any other small businesses following along wondering the same thing: should I add more to my packaging or is simple best?
It's tough to find a balance between showcasing your brand, providing cards, stickers and flare with every purchase and knowing when its okay to keep it simple.
As of late, I've tried my best to keep the packaging to a minimum limiting our usage to recycled cardstock and recycled twine. I don't love the idea of loading up orders with unnecessary papers and items that might find themselves in the trash soon after. On the other hand, I know that I am missing out on educational and marketing opportunities for our buyers, and that's hard to swallow.
The post started a conversation on what's better for the planet, the business, and the buyer. I was overwhelmed with the response that people enjoyed our current setup sharing that it was simple, and thoughtful (it was really great to hear), however, I also heard that some buyers love swag.
Stickers, samples, and marketing materials that are displayable longer term were all brought up and it got me thinking that it was time to change it up.
This quarter I'll be looking for a new way to package our bandanas, potentially without the use of twine. I'll also be looking to source and support a few other local businesses by providing mini sample bags with every purchase.
iI you are a customer, fellow small business, or both...
What would you like to see included with your order and how to you prefer your product packaged?